What is pastoral counselling?
The term ‘pastoral counselling’ was coined in mid-
Pastoral counselling, or psychotherapy, is defined as a distinctive form of counselling in which the full resources, theoretical knowledge, and clinical methods of secular psychology and psychotherapy are brought together with pastoral theological method and practice to provide a holistic approach to psychotherapy that honors and integrates the spiritual dimension of each patient’s life and experience.
Pastoral counselling seeks to hold open a space between ‘secular’ counselling (where some practitioners can be uncomfortable with religion) and ‘Christian’ counselling (which can be obsessed by it) – a space in which it is possible for psychology and theology, faith and counselling practice to remain in dialogue and for religion to be seen ‘as a source of meaning and a resource for living’ (Lyall, 2001:15).
Pastoral Counselling Resources
2007 Many Voices, Minneapolis, Fortress Press
Lyall, D 2001 The Integrity of Pastoral Care, London, SPCK
Last updated: 15/10/10