
Find a Therapist


The Find a Therapist page is a resource which we hope will enable individuals seeking counselling, or ministers who need to make a referral, to access counsellors who are both professionally well qualified and can work with issues of faith and spirituality in an open but unembarrassed way.


To be listed on our Find a Therapist page, counsellors must be accredited or registered by BACP or UKCP, two key bodies currently upholding standards in the profession in the UK. This means that counsellors will be bound by the Ethical Framework or Code of Ethics of one of these two bodies and clients have recourse to their complaints procedures should this be necessary. In addition, counsellors listed here will be comfortable to describe themselves as a ‘Pastoral Counsellor’ because


  • they have trained on a designated pastoral counselling course
  • they have trained on a secular counselling course and undertaken ministerial formation, theological education or training in spiritual direction
  • they have trained on a secular counselling course and are current members of a Christian faith community and are therefore conversant with the issues which may arise in that context.


Counsellors who meet the above criteria and are accredited with BACP or UKCP may apply to be listed on our Find a Therapist page. If you wish to be listed on this page, please download and complete the form and send it with the initial registration fee of £30 (this includes the annual fee for the first year) to Anissa Chung c/o IPC 86 Trowell Grove, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 4BB. Registration is renewable each year on 1st September when a further fee will be payable.




Click to download Application Form


Photos above by David Green                                                                   Last updated: 15/10/10